Time for many of our best ideas to be set free.

See an idea you like? Use if it’s for everybody. Otherwise, call “dibs.” Post a comment staking a claim, along with info to show you’re serious, hopefully deterring imitators.
Ever think of food like arts and crafts? A pantry is like a supply cabinet for collages, sculptures, paintings and decorative objects. Taste is the only limitation.
Some of the deepest ideas I’d love for folks to steal have to do with newspapers. These vital institutions need to thrive to keep ideals of truth and objectivity alive.
Here’s a way to turn a negative into a positive. Not standing during the National Anthem is essentially a negative thing, a protest easily misinterpreted as rejecting all sorts of things people hold sacred. Instead, how about expressing a message symbolically? One way would be to hold both hands over your heart, a sign of hope Read More …
This probably exists. (Or doesn’t for reasons of rights or costs.) You dress up as your favorite classic TV character — Kramer, Ralph Cramden, Kojak, Lucy, Herman Munster, Marge Simpson, Erica Kane, whoever — and while a famous clip plays without that character on a background screen, you recite those famous lines, become the TV character. Call Read More …
Here’s a wild, catchy idea: Start a blog by dead people. Blog of the Living Dead. Not talking zombies, but people who lived in the past. They wrote like crazy … letters, journals, essays. Even old song lyrics. The idea would be to excerpt any writings that sound the most like blogs. Personal confessions. Like the Read More …
OK, OK, OK, maybe the physics here won’t work. And the scale might be impossible, too. But if sea levels will rise because of melting ice sheets, how about creating some new ones? Put snow machines all over Greenland, and maybe Alaska and Siberia, too. Maybe even on icebergs at the North Pole. Pile up Read More …
There’s a cocky title. As if an infinitesmal creature like me could know. But here’s my thought: The universe could never have been Nothing. Why? The law of opposites. You can’t have light without dark, hot without cold, good without evil. So can’t have Nothing without Something. Poof! And that’s how the universe was born. Read More …
It’s getting paid again and again without doing extra work. 1. The Royalty Route. No, I don’t mean being related to kings and queens. That’s getting paid for doing no work. I mean you write a book, invent a game, record an album, and you could be collecting checks for years. 2. The Tycoon Track. Make Read More …
Seriously. Instead of dropping a bomb on your nasty neighbor, you drop some gas that makes them happy. Laughing gas. Or an anti-depressant. Or some kind of wonder enlightenment tonic to drop in the water. Or could this be the worst weapon of all, because it could be a way to quell all resistance to invaders? Not Read More …
Here’s how my son, Alex, became the Invisible Man one Halloween. Suspended a hat in midair on top of two black coathanger wires. The wires were attached to a setup he wore on his head. A skinny piece of wood ran across that to simulate shoulders. That in turn held up a sweater with big enough holes to Read More …
We have days for honoring military heroes, but why not a holiday to honor other people who risked their lives to protect and save their fellow man? Police. Fire fighters. Transplant donors. Rescuers from accidents and disasters. Extend gratitude to doctors, teachers, parents, too. If as a society we’re not going to pay these people as well Read More …
The presidency’s too much for any one man. Or woman. So divide it up. Besides, the more responsibilities a leader has, the more failures are accepted, and the more elections focus on likeability instead of issues. So suppose there were multiple “presidents,” (or commissioners) each independent with only one problem-solving job: Improving education. Winning the war on drugs. Making Americans Read More …
“Vote for Me! My ugly opponent’s pro-death and he wants to raise everybody’s taxes! This ad, brought to you by the Committee to Re-Elect Joe Jerkweed at Any Cost, not only just wasted $20,000 that could have gone for several children’s health-care premiums, but it may cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, gullibility, insensitivity, and major regret. Read More …
OK, I’m doubting Chrysler going to call, and pay me for this great idea. But, honestly, as anyone who’s driven in a city knows, it’d be great to see a car revamped just for cities. It should have … bulletproof glass … a removable glovebox you can carry away … a removable ignition you can Read More …
Seriously. Think about it. Does it makes sense to measure cholesterol after you’ve fasted? OK, sure, gotta establish a baseline, see how high it always is. But think. Some people with high cholesterol never have heart attacks, while some with low cholesterol do. Uh, could it be because some low-baseline people chomp on Dorito and, Read More …
New line item on federal income-tax returns: Number of $1 chances you’d like to buy to have all of your income taxes refunded. Bet 50 million people would buy at least a single chance. You’d keep drawing tickets till half the pot is awarded. Profit for feds: $25 million or more. Earmark for a worthy Read More …
Gotta love Peeps, those marshmallow chicks and bunnies from Just Born. Assorted permutations appear for various holidays: ghosts, pumpkins, hearts, snowmen and Christmas trees. But departing from the holiday idea, how about this: Hot chocolate duckies! Instead of regular marshmallows, you float cute little creatures. Ducks are archetypal floaters, but swans and whales and octopi Read More …