Make Political Ads Admit Side-Effects

“Vote for Me! My ugly opponent’s pro-death and he wants to raise everybody’s taxes! This ad, brought to you by the Committee to Re-Elect Joe Jerkweed at Any Cost, not only just wasted $20,000 that could have gone for several children’s health-care premiums, but it may cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, gullibility, insensitivity, and major regret. Read More …

Pop Culture Talk Radio Station

There’s sports talk. Opinionated political talk. Even shows all about money. But why not TV-movie-music-media-Web-celebrities-and-maybe-also-a-little sports-and-sex talk? Key to good talk radio is having two lively hosts who often disagree (a la WIP in Philly), and who can juggle several hot topics at once, to hook a wide audience. Keep the whiny politics out of Read More …

Garfield’s One-Liners for Your Catbox

This would be a popular product. Sure, people license cartoon characters for T-shirts and games and underwear. Fun stuff. But aren’t laughs even more needed during disgusting chores, like changing a catbox? Look forward to this every week at my house! Anyway, people love Garfield, people love cats, people love jokes, so market some catbox Read More …

Profitable Baseball Idea: Coaches Wear Knit Shirts

Seeing some old guy waddle to the mound in striped flannel pajamas is pretty ridiculous. And a majorly missed marketing opportunity. Put coaches in knit or other casual shirts with team logos, and fans might buy more. (You can pretty much buy anything with a team logo these days.) Theory was you needed a uniform Read More …