Spam Spellchecker

I don’t understand why I get spam with so many misspelled words. Just add a spellchecker and kick out the messages with the most misspelled words. C’mon, it  can’t be that sticking numbers in words makes them spellcheck-proof. That seems fixable. Seriously, how does this crap get through? C ANA1DIAN PH A5RMACY SPE3CIAL V8I AG8R Read More …

‘Lost’: Land of the Living Dead

You know why pilot Frank didn’t see a wedding ring on the hand of the waterlogged pilot’s corpse? Because the body will turn out to be Frank’s.  On Thursday’s show, the freighter captain shows Sayid and Desmond the black box flight recorder from the bottom-of-the-sea wreckage of Oceanic Flight 815 and says someone went to a lot of trouble to fill Read More …

Halforisms, Laughorisms and Others Kinds of Aphorisms

Paragraphorisms: Wordy words of wisdom that take several sentences. Epitaphorisms: Clever final words suitable for tombstones. Laughorisms: Funny sayings. //*bant — that sorry-buzzer sound. a Google search reveals this was originally coined, same idea, by Ambrose Bierce.// Caraforisms: Thoughts under the influence. Stafforisms: Sayings common in workplaces. Girafforisms: (a) Perspectives from high places, (b) sayings Read More …