
No, I’m not talking about burning off calories by talking. Just seems that exercise would be more fun if it had an element of socializing. Noisy machines, regimented classes, the need to grunt while weightlifting, the love of quiet in yoga … they all work against talking. So why not design routines to be compatible with conversation? First, have participants stand in Read More …

Real Causes of Death

Wonder what the top causes of death would be if listed according to ultimate responsibility. Might be something like: 1. Failure to heed advice or pay attention. 2. Reckless or careless behavior of others. 3. Enviro-social dangers and afflictions. 4. Genetic or inherently human shortcoming or weakness. 5. Malevolence and/or greed of others. 6. Plain Read More …

Jaywalking Jackets

Philadelphia’s Roosevelt Boulevard is one of the most dangerous roads in the country. In recent months, several people have died trying to cross the road at night. Apparently they’re tempted to try to dodge speeders because multiple medians break up the perilous path. The big-budget fix of installing overhead walkways doesn’t seem likely, despite a nifty legislative Read More …

Safer Malaria Parasites

If you can’t eradicate the mosquitos or eliminate the disease, how about genetically engineering the power out of the disease? Create harmless nontoxic parasites that outbreed the bad kinds … and make them so they are treatable. I’ve also heard that some micro-organisms can transfer DNA, so maybe the innocuousness could prove contagious to the bad protozoans. Even Read More …

Pill Bottles That “Remember” Being Opened

Expect more and more products to serve the short-term memory-challenged and/or absent-minded scatterbrains (like me) as more boomers board the geriatric bandwagon.  I’ll get out a prescription, get distracted, then forget: Did I take that pill or not. Sure I could use those multibox thingies with several compartments for each pill. But that would require me to be Read More …

Jellied Sweetener Cubes

Ever make Jell-O Jigglers? They stay semi-solid at room temperature, and they’re firm enough to cut into shapes. Why not make intense mini-shapes to use as fruit-flavored sweetener for tea? Put them on the end of flavored toothpicks if the “can’t touch any actual ingredient” issue is a problem. Make them so they dissolve in cold liquids, Read More …

Put Rolled-Up Life-Saving Tips in Rolls of Lifesavers

Little promotional gimmick. Inside every package of Lifesavers is a tunnel made of holes. Write some life-saving tip (excerpts from The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook series?) on slip of paper, roll it into the slimmest scroll, and slide it down the row of Lifesaver holes. Just be a cool way to get new buzz Read More …

Dehydrated Beauty Aids?

Today’s airplane bombing plot, supposedly involving mixing chemicals on board a plane, resulted in the banning of all sorts of liquids and semi-liquid substances in carry-on bags. If this possibility is real, the threat could last. So what’s the permanently mandated security measure? No carry-ons? No bottles of shampoo or soda or perfume, no tubes of hair gel or toothpaste, no Read More …

Automated Online Life Coach Gives Free Advice

Why not a do-it-yourself life-coach web site? You answer a questionnaire about your medical health, mental health, financial health, career (hours worked, stress, respect), religion, relationships, worries, hopes and dreams. You get back a priority list of suggestions and references. OK, at most it’s a cursory overview, and it could be a ballpark guess, but sometimes we all miss the obvious: Read More …

Name for Giant Hogweed Treatment

Yes, there’s a noxious plant called Giant Hogweed. Better at popping out itchy blisters than poison ivy, supposedly. Can even cause blindness, some sites say. It’s cropping up in Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Connecticut, other states, and Canada. (Shot this photo of it outside Bancroft, Ontario.) Here’s my idea: Whoever develops an ointment to prevent or treat Read More …